I'd love to be a child again - to have that freedom of expression, both verbal and physical, and that innocence. I'd love to believe that the world is beautiful, sane, loving, undivided, non argumentative and that it centres around me. I'd love to be fed, bathed, dressed up and taken out on long walks or play with my parents and school mates, and earn the love and respect of my teachers. Oh that would be soooo good. At this age, a little before I slip into my second childhood I'd love to have that delusion of grandeur - It would make my day - My children's day!
Now that I am older, I know that it is not all true - that childhood is a happy go lucky time - there are are responsiblities at home - the houselhold routine - eating the healthy stuff when your stomach growls, not snatching toys from your parents' friends' children who come visiting, being goody goody when you are feeling nasty, being careful with words in front of visitors and performing the ABCs I learnt in school in front of strangers who will clap anyway. Then there is the home work the teacher gives, the house work mother demands and the pressure to blend that comes from peers and the pressure to perform to survive and bring a smile of pride to my parents' faces. I've to learn this and that - swimming, music, acting, dancing and what not - much like a fish is told to swim on the beach - so that the last throes can bring a thrill to the chilled out audience!
But thats not all, age makes me wiser too - I know now that my childhood may have been a gilded cage becuase I have become a rare species. Most modern middle class parents, including mine, have a couple of kids and that's it - so the protectionism grows and envelopes a free spirit. Then there are those that have a childhood on the streets - they are free spirits - totally free - but out of compulsion... not choice. They serve to earn, to eat, to support their families and lose a whole fairy tale childhood that most of us in the middle class take for granted. Often they suffer both use and abuse and in the end, when they get to be my age - they may be worldly wise, but the damage is done.
So I'd love to be a child again but only if I can bring a smile to every child's face - that is the essence of Children's day - All adults need to do, is forget their cares and their wares, just light up a child's face with a smile; and how do you do that? - be a child again - play with them, laugh with them, share with them. Do everything you can to make it a memorable day for a child in whatever small way you can. Wear a hat, prance in the street, eat an ice cream cone, play with marbles, laugh inanely, share your meal, share your wardrobe, powerlift a child, do anything in your power to make a child smile. Be a child again and you too will enjoy the moment - that is the power of Children's day - Have a good one!
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