I love women. All men do. Really. We are made that way, by whom, can be debated till the cows come home. That’s why we both troll them and get married simultaneously. In a nutshell, we can’t do without them, can’t do with them. A catch 22 situation if ever there was one!

Now that Adam’s companion is a fait accompli, let’s visualize a hypothetical situation - Let’s say Adam’s companion was a man named Evam. If Evam had suggested to Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, the conversation would have gone like this:
“Adam, Come on yaar, lets try out this apple. Why shouldn’t we? Why is it that we have been told not to eat this fruit only among the so many here. This is wrong. Why should we obey this guy? Who is he to tell us what to do? Let’s eat it and see what he will do”.
And Adam would have replied. “No Evam, let’s not eat it. There must be a reason for this order. We are born of him and we must obey. Let’s not eat the fruit of this tree – there is so much more around us. I am not going to eat the fruit of that tree - If you want you eat it”.
That would have been that. Evam would not have had the courage to eat it alone….
But it was Eve, a woman who persuaded him to eat of the tree – “Adam, if you love me, you will take a bite…come on you love me don’t you?.I know you do”. And when that didn’t work, the challenge to his ego: “See I’ve eaten and nothing happened, what are you scared of? Come on take a bite”.
And Adam’s resolve melted. He could not resist the woman’s appeal combined with the challenge to his male ego and he created both history and ancestry with one bite! Of course, there were advantages and disadvantages to his disobedience – earlier he would look, but not see. But after he bit into that delicious fruit, his eyes were opened in a new way, he saw and he discovered beauty, but on the other hand, he found he could no longer resist that beauty, something he had done so easily for so long! He called it love, no matter the apple piece, though soft and delicious, would not get past his gullet, leaving him with an ungainly protrusion in his neck, reminding him and us forever that he had made a massive mistake.
Man’s love for women manifests in many ways- some worship them from a distance, some at close quarters, some stand by them, some walk in front of them, some protect them by sequestering them and covering them up, some promote them and stand behind them and some just take advantage of them, violently at that. But men love women, that’s a fact we can’t escape!
I wonder why I am, or men in general are fascinated by women, and I ask my myself this question often - Is it the beauty in their faces or the shape in their shapes, or sometimes even the lack of it – or is it the way their eyelashes flutter even when there is but a gentle breeze, or their brilliant smiles, or their intellect, and the way they seem interested in you – or just a combination of all of these? Is there something more to this intriguing relationship?
I must digress from this rhetorical question to delve into my own heart and try to understand why. It pumps blood 24x7 at around 72 beats per minute. But there are times when it has raced against time for no medical reason what so ever - no lesion, no blockage, just the mere presence of a woman. It still does, but now I know why!
At one point of time it happened repeatedly, and there came a time when I couldn’t resist biting the apple. The surface was smooth and shiny, the flesh was oh! so sweet. But in the end ladies and gentlemen, my apple moment was when I reached the core of the apple – I didn’t eat it at all. I held on to it for dear life for I loved it. And I discovered a secret that Adam took so long to discover – that it was what held it all together – the beauty in the face, the shape in the shape and the brilliant intellect adding an intangible value to what was measurable by sight and sound! My apple moment is current still because I value it dearly, and respect it greatly.
I must ask all the men in India – when will they find their apple moment? And if they do, will they recognise it? Because it may well determine how they will express their love for women. Eureka!
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